Retrieve all meter site usage data associated with a specified site, filtered by date. The data is paginated, with default of 100 entries per page. Users must have access to the site to retrieve this data.
The optional param dateType can be used to filter by different date fields. Choices are 'updated' (the date that the data was last updated in Nectar's database), 'created' (the date that the usage data was created in Nectar's database), or 'bill_dates' (the start and end dates on the bill). The default is 'bill_dates'. Any usage data that contains days within the startDate to endDate period inclusive is returned. So if a meter's period overlaps with the filter period by only one day, it will still be returned. For 'created' and 'updated', Nectar stores both the day and the exact time. Thus, the passed startDate and endDate are truncated to the beginning of the day (00:00:00) For example, to get all usage data created in January 2024, set startDate to 2024-01-01 and endDate to 2024-02-01.